We live in a world where we are constantly on the go. We are rushing to get somewhere, rushing to get it all done, and rushing to be as efficient as possible. In a world where we are so focused on progress and success, we need to find ways to slow it all down, and the fall is a perfect time of year to do this through strengthening mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a coping skill which can be used to manage problems of anxiety and depression but also can be used to simply improve joy and general life satisfaction. Mindfulness is the intentional act of directing your focus on something and acknowledging your inner experience. When you are mindful, you are in the moment and self-aware without judgment.

Fall has many unique features, and so there are many fun ways to practice mindfulness! Here are five ideas on how you can start or strengthen a mindfulness practice:


Do you love the colors of trees in the fall? Then find an area with many trees. Maybe a nearby park, maybe a forest, maybe your own backyard, and allow yourself to take it all in. Notice the colors, notice the shapes, notice the contrast within your view. Really take the time to fully see and describe what you notice. When your mind wanders, simply bring it back to the leaves, the branches, the shadows. Is their stillness or do the leaves dance in the wind? What is bright, what is dark? What pops out, what blurs together? Really pay attention to the details, and take it all in.


Do you love pumpkin spice, nutmeg, apple cider, etc? Enjoy a fall, hot beverage on a cool day, and use your five senses to describe your experience to yourself. Feel the cup in your hands and notice the warmth. Notice the coloring of your drink. Does it change as you move it around? What scents do you pick up when you smell you drink? Describe the taste and notice how it feels as the liquid makes it way through your mouth and down your throat. Notice the sound of the sips you take or breath you may blow to cool you drink. Observe and take in as much information as possible.


Planning on carving a pumpkin? Or maybe you have smaller ones around for decor. Challenge yourself to be completely focused on the pumpkin. See all the colors.? Is it just orange, or do you see other colors too? How is the pumpkin shaped, notice the lines, the ridges and bumps. Feel the texture of the pumpkin. Pay attention to the weight and the density of the pumpkin. Notice your thoughts as they arise and gently bring your focus back to the pumpkin. 


Is it weathery out? Find a place to sit comfortably outside, dress appropriately for the temperatures, and close your eyes and just listen. What sounds do you hear? Perhaps it’s leaves crunching, maybe the wind is whistling through the air, or possibly you hear the pitter patter of rain against the ground and withering leaves. How long are you able to stay with the sounds? Notice the volume, the intensity, the rhythm, and imagine the movements which make the sounds. What shapes do these movements take on and how do sounds change the movement?


Have a yard with trees? You probably have to do some raking. As you begin to rake leaves into piles, practice mindfulness by being intentional in the lines you make, the size of the piles you create, and the pressure you use. Imagine your yard as a sand tray with the leaves being your sand. Notice the patterns you feel drawn to creating, and when you use shorter or longer strokes with your rake. If you notice yourself making judgments, re-direct your focus to the lines you see, the sounds which are made while your push the rake against the ground leaves, or the smell of the fallen leaves.


Practicing mindfulness in the fall is a great way to slow things down and develop an appreciation for the simple aspects of the world. All it takes is 5 minutes a day for you to improve your overall mood and truly savor all the gifts the fall season has. If you’re stressed, down, or anxious, let the fall season motivate you to start a personal mindfulness practice.



Suzanne Sanchez

I am a mental health therapist located in SW Portland, Oregon. I provide counseling services for problems with anxiety, eating disorders, substance use, depression, self-esteem, relationship conflict, school problems, and much more. I work with teens, parents, and adults.

1 Comment

Heather Gillam, BA, MS, NCC · October 17, 2018 at 11:55 AM

Love these fall themed mindfulness techniques! They are something one can incorporate into their everyday fall activities making them doable, especially for those who have a busy schedule and really need to slow down.

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